Audit and financial reports for businesses
Annual audit of the financial reports is part of the obligations of every business no matter, whether it is a small business or a large organization with extensive business activities.
BDSK specializes in traditional and advanced accounting services for self-employed, private and public companies according to the business’s needs.
BDSK has a vast experience conducting audits and creating financial reports for businesses. The audit and report preparation department is comprised of a professional and skilled team, which specializes in the various economic industries.
BDSK ensures that the process is efficient, reducing costs and minimizing the duration of the process.
The firm provides its clients with close and personal support and immediate availability, fully understanding the client’s business, and providing a comprehensive and customized range of services.
The firm has broad knowledge in handling issues in the real-estate sector, for both the returns and construction as well for entrepreneurs and investors in the field.
The firm has vast knowledge in handling retail commerce, including national marketing chains in various areas of commerce. The firm has comprehensive knowledge in handling industrial and manufacturing plants, and start-up companies, and in handling government grants and benefits.
Tax Department:
The firm’s tax department, led by accountant Tzachi Iron (MBA; Hebrew University), offers the following services:
Pre-Ruling submission– receiving approvals from the tax authorities through agreed taxation decisions in the following areas:
Structural change of corporations – mergers and acquisitions, splits and other complex structural changes.
Encouragement of Capital Investments Law
Asset transfer in exchange for stocks
Workers options
Provision of professional opinions– providing a written opinion on various issues including but not limited to:
Severing residency tax
Transfer prices
Capital gains
Encouragement of Capital Investments Law
Beneficiary status of foreign trustee
Representation at assessment hearings and proceedings of voluntary disclosure– closing voluntary assessments, including presentation of relevant data to income tax auditors and providing explanation of the tax laws for the benefit of the assesses.
Encouragement of Capital Investments Law– consulting on various modes of tax benefits.
Tax planning for holdings and investment structure performed locally and abroad– mergers and acquisitions, splits, transfer of assets between corporations, re-organization, utilizing loss, reporting methods, encouragement laws benefits, prices of transfer, etc.
Future-facing planning and consultation, close accompanying of transactions and investment activities– accompanying agreements, contracts and special projects from the planning stages to completion, including participation in negotiations for the agreement and planning an optimal tax structure for execution of the transaction.
Personal Consultation– executives, new immigrants, employees’ options and more.
Dealing with tax issues arising from the tax reform as of January 1, 2014 on revenues deriving from foreign trusts.